
The football phenomenon


Sport is not an isolated island in the midst of society, which is only interested in the relationships between clubs, athletes and their families, the organization of sport, but on the contrary it is one of the parts of a social web, which makes it to relate to the public authorities, influencing public policies, the neighborhood and private initiative, which even indirectly relates to sports.

Thus analyzed the sport question we perceive that this one has many stakeholders, to a greater or lesser degree, in the accomplishment or not of sporting activity, either in its practice, organization or in the construction of the places, where they will be developed, the competitions, that are affected by the practice of sports activity, but also influence it, since, the sport activity is not dissociated from the world in which it is inserted.

In this first article I will bring a broad and general view of how sport in general, not only football, was capable of developing the person who practice and the society in which sports activities are developed, to clarify the issue by demonstrating how the sporting activity, serves as a driving force for all. As well as demonstrating that the sport does not only happen between the moment the referee starts the competition and signals the end of it. The activity that the sport provides is a continuous cycle, which does not end, because as we will demonstrate the activity of the sport is much more than just the competition.

And those interested in sports are basically two, those who have direct interest: those who have a direct connection with the sport, which has its activity focused on sport, any sport. There are still those who have an indirect interest those who have an economic and professional activity, which at first does not seem to be linked to the sport, but, when analyzed by the vision of who is in the middle of the sport, it is perceived that yes it is linked to sports.

And I will open a third topic that is are the schools, because it is at first a direct stakeholder, when it makes available to students scholarships, so that these defend the school, which in this scenario should be read, as going from the primary school to the institution of higher education, so that the students play the school games, thus disclosing the name of the educational institution, and providing the student with a good education, which sometimes would not be able to receive if it were not for the sport.

But it is also an indirect stakeholder when it comes to providing the necessary academic training for people, who seek to be trained to work with the sport, understood here as being in the field, or court, or mat, reaching the president of the club , who realizes the need to be able to face in an adequate way the demand that the sport presents to him.

– Let’s do a brief analysis of who are the right stakeholders in the sport we have:

1. The state, because the practice of sport, is an activity that is also directed at the education and health of the population, whether they are practitioners or those activities. And sometimes giving up their facilities for the practice of that particular sport activity. Providing the necessary policing, to guarantee the safety in that sports square, while the sports activities happen. By blocking the streets from access to that sports plaza, by diverting bus, subway or train lines, to let people who wish to see the event, allowing those interested to arrive at the place and then, so that they can leave the place, returning their residences;

2. The organizers of that sport activity, be they the leagues, the state federations, the national confederations and the international entities of organization of the sport, that pass the guidelines for the accomplishment of the activity, as a whole. When they are the organizers of the sports competitions, which are disputed;

3. Associations, clubs or academies where sports activities are being developed, providing those interested in sports, the lessons and training for that activity. And that participate in the organized championships, in those modalities.

4. Athletes are professional, amateur or military people who are the natural persons who have the desire to practice a sport, that after having received from the club the teaching and training, for that determined sporting activity, they start to compete defending the armed forces, associations, clubs or academies, or even competing in their own name.

6. The referees who will be responsible for mediating between competitors, making them respect the rules of competition, so that all teams, or competitors, have the same rules being applied, in that competition. And there are also judges who are responsible for awarding notes to competitors when it comes to individual competitions.

7. The companies that will broadcast the competitions, whether through open television or cable television, through Internet platforms that will enable those interested in that competition to follow.

As indirect stakeholders in sport we have:

1. The sponsors are from the event, because there are companies that try to connect their name to a certain competition, without interest in connecting to a particular team or athlete, so as not to have problems with the rivalry between teams. Be the sponsors of teams or players, who seek to associate their image with a particular association, which ultimately influences their conduct in competitions and beyond;

2. The other employees of the entities that organize the sport. Of the clubs, academies, schools or the military: that they guarantee that the athletes have the best physical and technical conditioning, so that when they enter the competition, they can be focused only on competing, and that in case of a contusion they have the necessary assistance , so that they have the best recovery in the shortest possible time. Of the companies that transmit and cover journalistic sports events, which have their life ruled, by the competitions they must organize, dispute or cover;

3. The neighbors of the places where the sports competitions are held, which has its life, modified on the days when the competitions are being played;
4. Entrepreneurs in the entertainment, food or lodging sector who are affected by the performance of those activities, which may become more personal in their commercial establishments, who travel to compete, organize or attend that particular sport;

5. The transport companies, whether they are land or sea areas, who are responsible for bringing the equipment to the place of the competition, so that they can be installed. And that allow teams and competitors, too, to arrive and leave the place of the competition in safety;

In this way, it is perceived that, due to the large number of stakeholders involved, with sports, especially those indirectly involved, sport is related to a large part of society, thus demonstrating that sport is much more than any physical activity, yes a means of social transformation, whether of the athlete, that developed sports activity, obtains a better life condition for himself or for his family, or for the society as a whole, that suffering the consequences of the sport activity is modified by this one.

Higor Bellini   -  (

Autor: Higor Bellini - (

  • Lawyer, Master in Integrated Health and Work Environment Management; SENAC / SP;
  • President of the Sports Law Commission OAB / Butantâ – SP;
  • Master of Laws (LL.M.) in American Law, Washington University of St. Louis;
  • Master in Sports Law PUC / SP;
  • Specialist in Labor Law, Uni Fmu; Specialist in Environmental Law Cogeae PUC / SP;
  • Specialist in Higher Education Education Cogeae PUC / SP;
  • Executive Program – Improvement in Sports Management, Getúlio Vargas Foundation, Fédération Internationale de Football Association and The International Center for Sports Studies (FGV / FIFA / CIES)


Referências Bibliográficas

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FOTO, Pedro Chaves, 20 dez – 2018


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